PPA 04-02 Ortmann: Hegemonic Party States and the Struggle for Legitimacy: Elections in China, Vietnam, and Singapore

Legitimation, Repression, and Cooptation – What Explains the Survival of Autocracies?

  • Andreas Schedler (Mexico City): Elections and the Survival of Authoritarian Regimes
  • André Bank/ Thomas Richter (Hamburg): Survival and Breakdown of Authoritarian Monarchies: A Configurational Explanation of MENA Trajectories since 1945
  • Maria Josua/ Mirijam Edel (Tübingen): To Repress or Not to Repress – Varieties of Regime Survival Strategies in the Arab Spring
  • Andrea Gawrich und Anja Franke-Schwenk (Kiel): Cooptation and Legitimation Strategies in post-Soviet Autocracies – A Comparison of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan
  • Stephan Ortmann (Hongkong): Hegemonic Party States and the Struggle for Legitimacy: Elections in China, Vietnam, and Singapore
  • Kommentar: Timm Beichelt (Frankfurt/ Oder)

Wolfgang Merkel/ Alexander Schmotz/ Dag Tanneberg (alle Berlin)

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